

Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented,and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA),meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.

Java Fundamentals
Introduction to Java language, Advantages of JAVA, Compiling and Running Applications, Introduction to JVM
Datatypes and Variables
Primitive Datatypes, Declarations, Variable Names, Numeric Literals, Character Literals, Strings, StringBuffer, Arrays, Non-Primitive(reference) Datatypes Operators and Expressions
Expressions, Assignment Operator, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Shorthand Operators (+=, etc.), Conditional Operator, Operator Precedence, Implicit Type Conversions, The Cast Operator
Control Flow
Conditional Statements –if, switch, while and do-while Loops, for Loops, labels, The continue Statement, The break Statement
Object-Oriented Concepts
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Fields and Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Access Modifiers
Inheritance in Java
Inheritance in Java, Constructors, Method Overriding, Super, this
Advanced Inheritance and Language Constructs
Enumerated Types, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Generics
Inner Classes
Inner Classes, Member Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, Instance Initializers, Static Nested Classes Exception Handling
Exceptions Overview, Catching Exceptions, The finally Block, Exception Methods, Declaring Exceptions, Defining and Throwing Exceptions, Errors and RuntimeExceptions, Assertions
Multi- Threading
Non-Threaded Applications, Threaded Applications, Creating Threads, Thread States, Runnable vs Thread, Synchronizing Threads
Input/Output Streams
Overview of Streams, Bytes vs. Characters, Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams, File Object, Binary Input and Output, PrintWriter Class, Reading and Writing Objects, Basic and Filtered Streams
Core Collection Classes
The Collections Framework, The Set Interface, Set Implementation Classes, The List Interface, List Implementation Classes, The Map Interface, Map Implementation Classes
Introduction to JDBC
The JDBC Connectivity Model, Creating a SQL Query, Getting the Results, Updating Database Data, Using a PreparedStatement, Parameterized Statements
Java Networking
Inet address, Socket, Server socket, URL, URL connection
Practical Sessions
Building and executing simple application using basic Java concepts – 1. Using multithreading in an application. 2. Using JDBC connectivity


Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a widely used platform for development and deployment of portable code for desktop and server environments.Java SE uses the object-oriented Java programming language. It is part of the Java software platform family. Java SE defines a wide range of general purpose APIs – such as Java APIs for the Java Class Library – and also includes the Java Language Specification and the Java Virtual Machine Specification.One of the most well-known implementations of Java SE is Oracle Corporation's Java Development Kit (JDK).

Core Java

Java Fundamentals
Introduction to Java language, Advantages of JAVA, Compiling and Running Applications, Introduction to JVM
Datatypes and Variables
Primitive Datatypes, Declarations, Variable Names, Numeric Literals, Character Literals, Strings, StringBuffer, Arrays, Non-Primitive(reference) Datatypes
Operators and Expressions
Expressions, Assignment Operator, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Shorthand Operators (+=, etc.), Conditional Operator, Operator Precedence, Implicit Type Conversions, The Cast Operator
Control Flow
Conditional Statements –if, switch, while and do-while Loops, for Loops, labels, The continue Statement, The break Statement
Object-Oriented Concepts
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Fields and Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Access Modifiers
Inheritance in Java
Inheritance in Java, Constructors, Method Overriding, Super, this
Advanced Inheritance and Language Constructs
Enumerated Types, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Generics
Inner Classes
Inner Classes, Member Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, Instance Initializers, Static Nested Classes
Exception Handling
Exceptions Overview, Catching Exceptions, The finally Block, Exception Methods, Declaring Exceptions, Defining and Throwing Exceptions, Errors and RuntimeExceptions, Assertions
Multi- Threading
Non-Threaded Applications, Threaded Applications, Creating Threads, Thread States, Runnable vs Thread, Synchronizing Threads
Input/Output Streams
Overview of Streams, Bytes vs. Characters, Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams, File Object, Binary Input and Output, PrintWriter Class, Reading and Writing Objects, Basic and Filtered Streams
Core Collection Classes
The Collections Framework, The Set Interface, Set Implementation Classes, The List Interface, List Implementation Classes, The Map Interface, Map Implementation Classes
Introduction to JDBC
The JDBC Connectivity Model, Creating a SQL Query, Getting the Results, Updating Database Data, Using a PreparedStatement, Parameterized Statements
Java Networking
Inet address, Socket, Server socket, URL, URL connection
Practical Sessions
Building and executing simple application using basic Java concepts – 1. Using multithreading in an application. 2. Using JDBC connectivity
JSP and Servlet Training
Introduction to Java Server Pages
What is JSP and why use it?, Embedding dynamic elements in HTML, Compilation, What you need to get started, Advantages
Servlet Basics
Request/Response model, Request parameters, Request methods, Servlet containers, Servlet Contexts and web applications
JSP Overview
Problem with Servlets, A Sample JSP Page in detail, JSP elements, JSP Application design with MVC architecture
Setting up the JSP Environment
Installing JSDK, Installing Tomcat Server (Web Server),Running sample example
Generation of Dynamic Content
Creating, installing and running a JSP page, Using JSP Directive elements, Using action elements, Using JSP standard tag library, Using Java Bean components in JSP pages - What is a bean?; Declaring bean in JSP; Retrieving bean properties in JSP page, Using Customer Tag Libraries - Overview of Custom tag library; Installing/declaring and using custom tags
Processing Input and Output
Reading request parameter values, Validating user input, Formatting the output
Error Handling and Debugging a JSP page
Handling Syntax errors, JSTL Expression Language errors, Debugging a JSP page, Handling runtime errors, Catching Exceptions
Sharing data between JSP, Requests and Users
Passing control and data between pages, Sharing session and application data, Accessing database, Memory usage considerations
Authentication and Personalization
Container – provided authentication, Application controlled authentication- Logging in; Authentication using database; Checking for a valid session; Updating user; Logging out; Security concerns
Locale Class, Formatting dates and numbers, Using localized text
Using Scripting Elements
Page Directive Scripting Attributes, Implicit scripting objects, Using scriptlets, expressions and declarations
Using JSP with an application model
J2EE Model – Brief overview, MVC Design Model, Using only JSP - JSP with Servlets; Servlets, JPS and EJB’s, Scalability – Distributed Development
Combining Servlets with JSP
Quick overview of Servlet lifecycle, Reading a request, Generating response, Using filters and listeners, Request processing using servlets, Using common JSP error page
Database Access Strategies
JDBC – Quick Overview, Using connection pools, Generic Database access bean
Practical Sessions:
Practicals will comprise of creating, installing, deploying and running a sample web application testing the usage of the following:
1.Developing Java Beans and its usage with JSP
2.Developing Custom Tag Libraries
3.Integrating Custom code with JSTL


Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE is a widely used enterprise computing platform developed under the Java Community Process. The platform provides an API and runtime environment for developing and running enterprise software, including network and web services, and other large-scale, multi-tiered, scalable, reliable, and secure network applications. Java EE extends the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), providing an API for object-relational mapping, distributed and multi-tier architectures, and web services. The platform incorporates a design based largely on modular components running on an application server. Software for Java EE is primarily developed in the Java programming language.

Core Java
Java Fundamentals
Introduction to Java language, Advantages of JAVA, Compiling and Running Applications, Introduction to JVM
Datatypes and Variables
Primitive Datatypes, Declarations, Variable Names, Numeric Literals, Character Literals, Strings, StringBuffer, Arrays, Non-Primitive(reference) Datatypes
Operators and Expressions
Expressions, Assignment Operator, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Shorthand Operators (+=, etc.), Conditional Operator, Operator Precedence, Implicit Type Conversions, The Cast Operator
Control Flow
Conditional Statements –if, switch, while and do-while Loops, for Loops, labels, The continue Statement, The break Statement
Object-Oriented Concepts
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Fields and Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Access Modifiers
Inheritance in Java
Inheritance in Java, Constructors, Method Overriding, Super, this
Advanced Inheritance and Language Constructs
Enumerated Types, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Generics
Inner Classes
Inner Classes, Member Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, Instance Initializers, Static Nested Classes
Exception Handling
Exceptions Overview, Catching Exceptions, The finally Block, Exception Methods, Declaring Exceptions, Defining and Throwing Exceptions, Errors and RuntimeExceptions, Assertions
Multi- Threading
Non-Threaded Applications, Threaded Applications, Creating Threads, Thread States, Runnable vs Thread, Synchronizing Threads
Input/Output Streams
Overview of Streams, Bytes vs. Characters, Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams, File Object, Binary Input and Output, PrintWriter Class, Reading and Writing Objects, Basic and Filtered Streams
Core Collection Classes
The Collections Framework, The Set Interface, Set Implementation Classes, The List Interface, List Implementation Classes, The Map Interface, Map Implementation Classes
Introduction to JDBC
The JDBC Connectivity Model, Creating a SQL Query, Getting the Results, Updating Database Data, Using a PreparedStatement, Parameterized Statements
Java Networking
Inet address, Socket, Server socket, URL, URL connection
Practical Sessions
Building and executing simple application using basic Java concepts – 1. Using multithreading in an application. 2. Using JDBC connectivity
JSP and Servlet Training
Introduction to Java Server Pages
What is JSP and why use it?, Embedding dynamic elements in HTML, Compilation, What you need to get started, Advantages
Servlet Basics
Request/Response model, Request parameters, Request methods, Servlet containers, Servlet Contexts and web applications
JSP Overview
Problem with Servlets, A Sample JSP Page in detail, JSP elements, JSP Application design with MVC architecture
Setting up the JSP Environment
Installing JSDK, Installing Tomcat Server (Web Server),Running sample example
Generation of Dynamic Content
Creating, installing and running a JSP page, Using JSP Directive elements, Using action elements, Using JSP standard tag library, Using Java Bean components in JSP pages - What is a bean?; Declaring bean in JSP; Retrieving bean properties in JSP page, Using Customer Tag Libraries - Overview of Custom tag library; Installing/declaring and using custom tags
Processing Input and Output
Reading request parameter values, Validating user input, Formatting the output
Error Handling and Debugging a JSP page
Handling Syntax errors, JSTL Expression Language errors, Debugging a JSP page, Handling runtime errors, Catching Exceptions
Sharing data between JSP, Requests and Users
Passing control and data between pages, Sharing session and application data, Accessing database, Memory usage considerations
Authentication and Personalization
Container – provided authentication, Application controlled authentication- Logging in; Authentication using database; Checking for a valid session; Updating user; Logging out; Security concerns
Locale Class, Formatting dates and numbers, Using localized text
Using Scripting Elements
Page Directive Scripting Attributes, Implicit scripting objects, Using scriptlets, expressions and declarations
Using JSP with an application model
J2EE Model – Brief overview, MVC Design Model, Using only JSP - JSP with Servlets; Servlets, JPS and EJB’s, Scalability – Distributed Development
Combining Servlets with JSP
Quick overview of Servlet lifecycle, Reading a request, Generating response, Using filters and listeners, Request processing using servlets, Using common JSP error page
Database Access Strategies
JDBC – Quick Overview, Using connection pools, Generic Database access bean
Practical Sessions:
Practicals will comprise of creating, installing, deploying and running a sample web application testing the usage of the following:
1.Developing Java Beans and its usage with JSP 2.Developing Custom Tag Libraries 3.Integrating Custom code with JSTL
Struts Training
Understanding Struts Architecture
Need of Struts, Advantages of using frameworks, Struts, Model 2 and MVC – A comparison, Control Flow, Hits and misses of using Struts
Touring a Simple Application in a nutshell
Understanding configuration - Usage of xml’s and property files; Configuration elements; Configuring tiles framework; Configuring struts validator, Handling action errors, Understand ActionForward action
Using Action Forms
Design considerations, Importance of using ActionForm, Types of ActionForm – to use which one and when
Understanding ActionForwards and ActionMappings
How ActionForwards work, Global and local forwards, Dynamic forwards, Using ActionMapping properties
View Dynamic content
Understanding struts tags, Coupling struts with JSTL, Writing tag extensions, Using struts JSP tags
Validation of User Input
Web side validations, Types of basic validators - Required Validator; Mask Validator; Date Validator, etc, Using Resource Bundles, Setting up the validator framework, Validating user input manually
Internationalization and Localization
Internationalized components, i18n in Java, Localizing struts application
Relational data – Using data services with Struts
Understanding business layer, ProcessBeans and JDBS with Struts, Using EJB with Struts, Brief of Lucene with Struts
Practical Sessions
Setting up environment to use Struts, Develop a simple web application using struts, deploy and test
Java Server Faces


Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, high level programming language, implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in 2002 as the successor to its original Visual Basic language. Although the ".NET" portion was dropped in 2005, this article uses "Visual Basic .NET" to refer to all Visual Basic languages releases since 2002, in order to distinguish between them and the classic Visual Basic. Along with Visual C#, it is one of the two main languages targeting the .NET framework.

Console Applications
Introduction to, Programming Constructs, Functions and Procedures, Arrays, Enumeration and Structures, OOPs with, Overloading, Inheritance and Overriding, Interfaces, Namespaces and Collections, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Garbage Collection Concepts, Working with Databases
Windows Applications
Introduction, Features of Visual Studio.NET, Types of Projects, WinForms, WebForms
User Interface - Character based interface; Graphical User Interface, Winforms IDE - Objects, Classes, Properties and Methods; Class Libraries; Events and Event Handlers, Creating winforms application, Form Class Hierarchy, Properties, Methods and Events of a Form, Controls, Event Handling in Winforms - Design time event handler; Run time event handler
Introduction to types of controls, Establishing link between forms, Working with different Windows Controls, Setting Timers for various Events
Print support controls – PrintDocument; PrintPreviewControl, Creating an application that previews and prints a document, Dialog Boxes – Features; Types of dialog boxes, Application using Common Dialog boxes, Visual Effect in winforms - Transparent Forms; Control Anchoring and Docking; Visual Inheritance
Data Validation - Form-level validations; Field-level validations, Exception - Types of errors; Exception classes; Properties of exceptions; Handling exceptions
SDI - Drawbacks of SDI, MDI- Designing MDI Applications; Characteristics of MDI components; Activating and Deactivating Windows - Arranging child windows, Menus - Types of menus; Adding and Removing menu items at run time, Toolbar, Status Bars, Creating Tabbed Pages, Different Layouts of Controls, Placing Tooltips, Assigning Notify Icons to Projects, Mouse events, User defined Dialog boxes
Data access components – ODBC; OLE DB; ADO, ADO.NET, ADO.NET architecture, Basic components of ADO.NET, Dataset – Datagrid; .NET Data Providers, Tree Views, List Views
MORE ON ADO.NET Data Providers - Fetching values from database; Using Data Readers; Modifying data; Populating DataSet using DataAdapter, .NET Data Provider Events, Executing queries from a Project, Relations, Data Binding - Types of Binding; Different Data Sources; DataGridView
Component Object Model (COM), Object Linking and Embedding, ActiveX controls, Developing Custom controls - Adding properties; Associating events ; Inheriting existing winforms controls; Inheriting from user control class
Introduction and features, Crystal Report Architecture, Accessing Data, Creating a Report using Crystal Report Wizard, Creating a Report using Blank Report, Using Group Expert, Making Calculations in the Report, Binding reports to viewers at runtime, Runtime customization of reports
Packaging and deploying, Modes of Packaging, Deploying Applications - Adding a deployment project to a solution; Setting properties for the deployment projects; Adding files to a project; File Installation Management, File Types Management - User Interface Management; Custom Action Management; Launch Condition Management; Modes of Distribution of an application


C# (C sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure.

Console Applications

Introduction to, Programming Constructs, Functions and Procedures, Arrays, Enumeration and Structures, OOPs with, Overloading, Inheritance and Overriding, Interfaces, Namespaces and Collections, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Garbage Collection Concepts, Working with Databases


ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language. The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages.

Introduction, The .NET Scenario, Foundation for Microsoft.NET, The Microsoft.NET Platform
Introduction to Web applications, Web application development cycle, Introduction to Scripting, Client-side scripting, Embedding scripts, Introduction to Active Server Pages, Evolution of ASP.NET, Drawbacks of ASP, Features and advantages of ASP.NET
Starting with ASP.NET - @Page Directive; SCRIPT Section; User Interface; Event handlers; _VIEWSTATE Control; Page_Load Event ; Page.IsPostBack Property; The Process Flow
Web controls, Web controls as Objects, Intrinsic Controls, Rich Controls
Using Master Pages, Implementing validations on Web page, Using AdRotators, Navigation on Web Site - Tree Views; Menus; Site Map Data Source; Site Map path
Validation Controls - RequiredFieldValidator; RangeValidator; RegularExpressionValidator; CustomValidator; Validation Summary; PageIsValid Property
The Global.aspx file, The Application object, The Server object <
Introduction to Cookies, The Session Object - Using variables; Session Events; Session Properties
Data models, Database Manipulation, Querying the data in a table, Adding, changing and removing records, Transactions, Data Access Mechanisms - Open Database Connectivity; OLE DB; ActiveX Data Objects, The ADO Programming Model
Data Connectivity in ADO.NET, The ADO.NET Object Model, Datasets, Data Readers, .NET Data Providers - Connection Objects; Command Objects, Grid Views, Data Lists, Form View, Repeaters, Details View, Benefits of ADO.NET, Comparison between ADO and ADO.NET
Data Binding, Data Handling in ASP.NET - Inserting Data; updating Data; Deleting Data; Searching Data, Handling XML Data
Creating an XML document, Using XML for Site Navigation, Using XML for AdRotators
Services, Web Services & its characteristics, Advantages & Disadvantages of Web services, Creating a Web Service in ASP.NET, Consuming a Web Service – HTTP-GET; HTTP-POST; SOAP
Controls, Building custom web controls
Configuration Files – Features; Types of configuration files, The Page configuration setting, The Application setting, The Compilation Setting, Authentication and Authorization
Tracing, Debugging an Application, Caching
Deploying a Web Application
Publishing a Web Site, Creating the Setup for a Web Application